
The First 100 Hours and Next Steps...

All -

First of all - THANK YOU for all of the support and kind words. The feedback has been incredibly positive. In the first 100 hours since we launched 3,000 of you have visited the website, over 200 have signed up to the newsletter and we are approaching 50 volunteers. We still have more outreach to extend our audience and will do so in the next few weeks.

Next Wednesday, July 31st, we will be having our first volunteer meeting at 6:30 pm at the High School Media Center. If you wish to attend, I ask that you click the JOIN button at the top and register so we can get an estimate on head count. Even if you want to hear more before committing your time, please feel free to attend.

If you have any questions you can email us at bulldogfields138@gmail.com.

To keep up-to-date, please subscribe below.


Joe Singleton

Let's Do THIS!

So we’re off and running. There has been A LOT of work already done over the last 3 months to get this point, and the launch of this website is a key milestone. We now move from ‘talking about doing something’ to actually doing something.

In late June, the OF Board of Education approved two key things -

1) The formation of a Sports Committee to bring transparency, and to take action regarding the communication, scheduling and maintenance of the fields.

2) To empower the community to raise PRIVATE funds to improve the fields and facilities that our children and citizens use on a daily basis.

I know there are a lot of questions, and I highly encourage you to take a look at this website to get your answers -

Click here to find out about the Bulldog Field Initiative. What is it? What is the mission?

Click here to find the answer to your questions. FAQs.

Click here to find out about the Proposed Projects. What are we trying to build? What are the improvements?

Click here to find out how YOU can help. This is a community led effort, and we need the community to increase our chances for success.

As we move forward, we will look to post updates to this site. We will try to update at least once a week. Please subscribe below to keep up-to-date.

Go Bulldogs!

Joe Singleton