Turf Update

Hello Friends –

Did you ever have a delicious sundae for dessert but wished it had one more thing?  Maybe it was a cherry on top, or perhaps a little more whipped cream?  That’s kind of how I’m feeling as I write this update.

The good news, no let me rephrase that – the epically, awesome, fantastic news – is that we are a GO for turf! Through a lot of hard work from A LOT of people, we have successfully raised enough money through cash donations, corporate sponsorships, and in-kind donations – to get the project done without any new taxpayer dollars.  When things kicked into gear at the end of 2020, that was a hard line with the school, and I am happier than a gopher in soft dirt that we were able to get it done.

Now, we had the goal of trying to get this project done in time for our first home football game, August 20th, and that is where we are going to fall a little short. So yeah, not bad news – but a little bit of a disappointment for sure.

Unfortunately, due to material and labor shortages (that every business seems to be experiencing), the turf will not be delivered until the third week in September. We discussed relocating home games or even switching out the manufacturer that we had been working with for months to try to get it done sooner, but it was just too much risk. Dr. Lloyd made that call and I 100% support that decision. It’s the right call.

Let’s give our seniors a full stadium and all of their home games this fall. Let’s celebrate a return to normal “Friday Night Lights” and a final season on grass. Then come the end of October, we’ll break ground and look forward to the sounds of Lacrosse, Track & Field, and Youth Soccer on the new turf field at Harding Memorial Stadium in the Spring of 2022.

Thanks and Go Bulldogs!
