Introducing the 3-2-1 Crew!

It takes time…

Less than 2 months ago, we launched this website and announced to the community what we were trying to accomplish.  We’ve had several meetings with stakeholders.  We’ve spent time trying to educate the community.  We’ve spent countless hours organizing and brainstorming on how we, as a community, can make things better for our children.

The Bulldog Field Initiative has over 50 volunteers working on various fronts – all working to make things better for our children.  We have another 100 hands that have gone up that are waiting for the call to help. 

It takes patience…

We have had a lot of conversations with people who have asked a lot of great questions.  The feedback has been AMAZING! Our assumptions have been challenged – and for that we thank you.  We are asking for a lot – and that ‘ask’ should be challenged. 

What we are trying to do isn’t easy.  It is easy to post a complaint, to register a grievance on Facebook, looking for someone else to fix a problem that frustrates so many of us – but mostly our kids.  It is so easy to talk about fixing something.  It’s harder to ACT – because now you put yourself out there.  You become invested.  It’s your time.  It’s your money. 

It takes a SINGULAR reason why…

Kids.  We want them to have better than what they have.  In this case good enough IS NOT good enough.  You are reading this because you know this.  You’ve gone through the rain outs, the awful field conditions, playing at other communities and seeing the fields and facilities that other children have.  It’s not a matter of keeping up with the Joneses.  If you have a child that plays soccer, baseball, lacrosse, softball, football, or is in the band – you know this.  Approximately 1,500 children (grades K-12) in our community participate in a sport, club or band that would benefit from this initiative.  It’s about putting kids first.   

It takes a village…

It’s now our turn to ACT.  As part of the Bulldog Field Initiative we are introducing the 3-2-1 Crew.  This fundraising campaign is looking to raise funds from the community to contribute to improving our fields. The 3-2-1 refers to the 3 donation options that you can select from:

  • $30/month for 3 years

  • $45/month for 2 years

  • $90/month for 1 year

Upon your initial contribution you will receive a couple of the coolest t-shirts since the Tie-dye phase.  Upon your final payment, your family or business name will be inscribed upon a Bulldog Backer wall at either the Stadium or Field House.  JOIN THE CREW and become a Bulldog Backer and help support our kids and community. 

To find out more information please visit

To see the list of current Bulldog Backers who have already donated please visit:

Thank you!